
Unexpected Ways To Use Pickle Juice Around Your Home And Garden - House Digest

Some plants just love acidic soil, and pickle juice is full of acidic vinegar. You can use this pickle juice gardening hack to boost your hydrangeas, rhododendrons, azaleas, and other acid-loving plants. It's generally a good idea to test your soil before applying brine, however, as it may already be acidic enough. If not, some pickle juice may be the perfect soil amendment as it also contains Lactobacillus. This beneficial bacteria helps break down organic matter in the soil so that it is more readily available for plants. Plus, it suppresses the growth of certain fungi and harmful bacteria that can make plants sick.

To use pickle juice in the garden effectively, you must dilute it because of the salt content. For use as a soil amendment, apply it near but not directly on the plants or their roots. You can also use the brine as a foliar spray to improve plant health, but you must dilute the pickle juice in copious amounts of water when using it this way. If you want to make sure it is mild enough, test it on a few leaves before spraying the entire plant. 

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January 09, 2024 at 01:15AM

Unexpected Ways To Use Pickle Juice Around Your Home And Garden - House Digest
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