
Michigan Apple Growers See Less Fruit this Year - 9 & 10 News - 9&10 News

Apple growers are seeing less fruit this year after some cold nights in April.

While it won’t be too noticeable in the fall when cider mills and apple orchards see the most customers, there has been a dip in yields.

According to the Michigan Apple Committee, the average yield for one year is about 24.7 million bushels of apples. But this time around, they’re seeing only 18.25 million.

During those cold nights, farmers had to do everything they could to protect their crops from the frost, sometimes using wind fans that would push the cold air into the sky.

Unfortunately, the cold came during a sensitive time in an apple tree’s growth.

“Many of the apple trees were already blossoming and when that blossom is open it’s really vulnerable and so those cold temperatures, especially sustained cold, are really harmful so those blossoms that were open just didn’t make it through all that,” said Gretchen Mensing, Director of Communications for the Michigan Apple Committee.

For a list of cider mills and apple orchards near you, visit

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August 25, 2021 at 04:47AM

Michigan Apple Growers See Less Fruit this Year - 9 & 10 News - 9&10 News
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